Join us to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of The Big Latch On!

The Big Latch On will be held from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th April 2025 across New Zealand. Further details on how to register coming early 2025!
This will be an extra special event celebrating the 20th year of the Big Latch On, since it first started in 2005.
Keep an eye on our website, Facebook and Instagram for updates, or you can email [email protected] if you have any questions. You can also read about the history of the Big Latch On in Aotearoa. If you are based outside of New Zealand, check out the Global Big Latch On.
Ngā mihi
The Women’s Health Action team

What is the Big Latch On?
The Big Latch On has been running for 20 years, started by Women’s Health Action in 2005. This is a global event that started right here in Aotearoa New Zealand!
The Big Latch On aims to support parents in their communities on their feeding journeys, by creating safe and accepting spaces. It provides an opportunity for parents to connect with and meet new friends, and receive support and information from local services.
From 2005 – 2019, the Big Latch On took place annually over three days during World Breastfeeding Week (1st – 7th August). After a few years’ hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Big Latch On returned in 2023 and since then has been held in the warmer month of April. Parents and whānau can attend Big Latch On events in person, virtually, or participate in the online Brelfie campaign. The event aims to protect, promote & support breastfeeding families.