Being a breastfeeding and working parent can have its challenges, but a supportive workplace and having the resources you require can make a big difference. On this section of our website you will find tips on how to prepare prior to maternity leave/returning to work, along with tips on conversations to have with your employer, information on expressing and storing breast milk, along with resources designed to support employees. You can also read about how other people negotiated this journey and the types of situations that they found helpful or unhelpful.
Click on the links in the sidebar to explore more.
Useful links
Women & Work » World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action’s information page.
Australian Breastfeeding Association » information on combining breastfeeding while employed.
Working and Breastfeeding » La Leche Legue’s detailed information foe returning to work while breastfeeding. Also includes information for different counties.
Working & Pumping Tips » tips for mums who work & pump, including links to plenty of helpful resources.
Most mum’s want to breastfeed. It’s easier if they can afford it » New Zealand article exploring women’s experiences of breastfeeding and employment.